Colorful — Sofa & L’era
A remake of Sofa Tsetsokho’s song SUN. This is a song about a dream to change the world and make it kinder. The new version was sung by L’era. Enjoy the colorful energetic story!
L’era – Valeria Savtsuk
A remake of Sofa Tsetsokho’s song SUN. This is a song about a dream to change the world and make it kinder. The new version was sung by L’era. Enjoy the colorful energetic story!
A warm Christmas story from an unexpected duo. One day, on a spring night in 2021, during the next restrictions, the thought was born that it is better to burn out brightly than quietly fade away. This is how the first notes and lines were born. Then there were several months of work, search for performers, […]
L'era (Valeria Savtsuk) – What a Feeling, Slavyansky Bazar, Vitebsk 2021
Glass ceiling is a metaphor used to represent an invisible barrier. This barrier prevents a given demographic group (usually minority groups) from rising above a certain level in the hierarchy. (Wikipedia) However, whether there is a glass ceiling, we do not know.
Another sweet story from L’era.
A little girl with a big heart.
Or how to fall in love with a nerd 🧓 This funny, not quite children’s story was born on the streets of Old Tallinn and the T1 Mall of Tallinn.
Incendiary reincarnation of the song White Boy 2.0. So we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the song of “Crystal Dream” band written in 1989. Perhaps she will one day enter Valeria’s repertoire. 30 years ago, the title of the song did not raise the issues of racial tolerance typical of today. Original version from 1989 […]
A nightmare 😲 for many mothers: summer, boys, restaurant, romantic evening, true love. And who will say that 10 years is too early?
Cover of the Scorpions ballade. The video used fragments of the movie KAPO (Italy, 1960). A film about a Jewish girl who lost her parents and began to cooperate with the Nazis in KAPO – the structure of supervisors in the Nazi concentration camps. All of Valeria’s emotions are real. Her great-grandmother survived the war […]
Not every child in 9 years already so owns the voice and very freely keeps on a stage. It is great that in Estonia occasionally there are children who are able to sing not only the hits of the last month, but also the classics – Scorpions or Whitney Houston. Valerija Savchuk is a cool […]